1 August 2020: O caminho de ferro de Tito de Belgrado a Bar (page 128) : Portugese Railway magazine.
-8 July 2020: Betogers bestormen parlement in Servië na strengere lockdownmaatregelen: Live on Belgian national TV.
-8 July 2020: Lockdown in Servië van de baan, protesten gaan door : On Dutch national TV.
- 24 April 2020: Tito’s spoorlijn van Belgrado naar Bar.
- 15 June 2020: De op één na grootste synagoge in Europa staat in…..Subotica in Servië
- 17 January 2020: Jasenovac, het vergeten vernietigingskamp in de Balkan
- 9 January 2020: Mooiste treinreis door de Balkan: Belgrado – Bar.
Nieuwsblad Transport is a Dutch specialized newspaper which focus on transport,warehousing, logistics etc. Here the links to the articles I wrote for them:
- 26 March 2020: Corona maatregelen in de Balkan
- 29 January 2020: Wachttijd bij Servische grens blijft punt van zorg
- 15 November 2019: Wegtransport kan sneller naar Bulgarije en Turkije
- 26 October 2019: Het Westen investeert meer in Nieuwe Zijderoute dan China
- 24 September 2019: Railinfrastructuur pan-Europese corridor X nog lang niet klaar
- 27 August 2019: Scheepvaart over Servische deel Donau flink in de lift
- 29 July 2019: Tolverhoging in Servië
- 7 July 2019: Italiaanse concurrentie voor de Noordzee havens
- 24 May 2019: Servië opent laatste stuk snelweg van Corridor X
The following articles I wrote for Belgrade Insight (website & Facebook page):
- Issue No.265, Friday December 21: ” My eye opening first Christmas in Serbia ” (pdf).
(this was their last issue, Belgrade Insight unfortunately ceased to exist for unkown reasons). - Issue No.265, Friday December 21: ” Getting into the winter spirit in Belgrade ” (pdf).
- Issue No.264, Friday December 7: “ Kovacica – Where locals turned life into art ” (pdf).
- Issue No.264, Friday December 7: ” How to survive a Serbian slava ” (pdf).
- Issue No.263, Friday November 23: “Hit Guides Give Serbia’s tarnished Image a shine” (pdf)
- Issue No.262 Friday, November 9: “Remembering WWI in Belgrade” (=frontpage article) and “Avala towers over Serbia´s turbulent history” (pdf).
- Issue No.261 Friday, October 26: ” Belgrade Celebrates Centenary of Liberation in WWI ” (pdf).
- Issue No. 259 Friday, September 28: ” An Autumn Monastic Tour in Serbia’s Jewel ” (pdf).
- Issue No. 258 Friday, July 15: ” Serbia’s Wartime History Lies Buried on Mountain ” (pdf).
- Issue No. 257 Friday, July 27: ” Taking the Iron Road Through Serbia” (pdf)
Publications regarding the research project “Serbian WWI soldiers who died in the Netherlands”
- December 2019: Српски војници умрли у Холандији 1917–1919./ Serbian soldiers who died in the Netherlands 1917–1919
This book was published with the help of the Museum of Rudnik and Takovo Region in Gornji Milanovac (Serbia). This book is in Serbian and in English language and can be downloaded for free via this download link.
- May 2018 : Brošura: Srpski vojnici umrli u Holandiji 1917-1919
This is the Serbian translation of the brochure which was published in December 2016. The Serbian publication was possible with the help of the Association of War Veterans Descendants from the Braničevo region (Udruženje potomaka ratnika 1912-1920 Požarevac). This brochure can be also downloaded for free: “Sprski vojnici umrli u Holandiji 1917-1919”
- December 2016: Brochure Serbian soldiers of World War I who died in the Netherlands
The Dutch embassy in Belgrade (Serbia) published a brochure which I wrote together with Tajana Vendrig (my wife) and John Stienen. The brochure can be downloaded here for free: “Serbian Soldiers of WWI who died in the Netherlands”.Railway stories
I also wrote some stories about the railways and my experiences about working for the railways: please click here for an overview.
- December 2019: Српски војници умрли у Холандији 1917–1919./ Serbian soldiers who died in the Netherlands 1917–1919