I think this will be the last part of my blogs about my holidays in Serbia, soon (23th June) I will make a new trip  through Germany, Lithuania and France. As you can see the title is this time not “U Srbiji je sve moguće” (=in Serbia everything is possible), but  “U Jugoslavia je sve moguće” (in Yugoslavia everything is possible).

Why you wrote this,I see you asking,  because Yugoslavia does not exist anymore as we all know?  I wrote this, because the 25th may I was sitting at the railway station in Beograd and drinking a coffee with a friend: it was my last day in Serbia and unfortunately I had to go home: I dropped my luggage at the station, so I could walk my last hours in Beograd freely, before taking the taxi to the airport.

So I was siting there and enjoying my coffee, when suddenly people passed by with Yugoslav flags and a flag I remembered….Yes it were the people of “Sojuz na titovi levi sili” (Union of Marshal Tito’s left forces) ,people I met last year in Skopje (Macedonia) and it seemed they just arrived by train from Skopje …

Unfortunately they were very quick and I was relaxing and drinking a coffee with a friend, so I could not talk to them, but they were there! On the 25th May it was Tito’s birthday and when Yugoslavia existed it was “the Day of the Youth”: there was a special youth relay with torches which passed through every major town through whole Yugoslavia, from Ohrid to Jesenice, from Bar to Subotica and from Negotin to Koper, the relay ended always in Beograd when the torch was given to Josip Broz Tito.

So on my last day in Beograd, several thousands people (estimation from B92) from every corner of Yugoslavia came to visit Tito’s memorial in Beograd to remember “the Day of the Youth”  and to mourn about what they have lost: their country Yugoslavia…

For me it was time to leave “Yugoslavia” and it felt as if I had to leave my heart somewhere in Yugoslavia: “U Jugoslavia je sve moguće”…

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