Flag of the SFR Yugoslavia

Coat of arms of Yugoslavia

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The national anthem of Yugoslavia

Hej, Slavs was the national anthem of SFR Yugoslavia from 1943 to 1991 (48 years). With formal adoption (inauguration) of the Amendment IX to the Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the anthem Hey, Slavs gained constitutional sanction in November 25, 1988. After the 43 years of continued use as the de facto anthem, the delegates simply brought the law in line with the reality. (from Wikipedia)

Here you will find the text:

Western variant Eastern variant Cyrillic script English translation

Hej Slaveni, jošte živi
Riječ (duh) naših djedova
Dok za narod srce bije
Njihovih sinova

Živi, živi duh slavenski
Živjet će vjekov’ma
Zalud prijeti ponor pakla
Zalud vatra groma

Nek se sada i nad nama
Burom sve raznese
Stijena puca, dub se lama
Zemlja nek se trese

Mi stojimo postojano
Kano klisurine
Proklet bio izdajica
Svoje domovine!

Hej Sloveni, jošte živi
Duh (reč) naših dedova
Dok za narod srce bije
Njihovih sinova

Živi, živi duh slovenski
Živeće vekov’ma
Zalud preti ponor pakla
Zalud vatra groma

Nek se sada i nad nama
Burom sve raznese
Stena puca, dub se lama
Zemlja nek se trese

Mi stojimo postojano
Kano klisurine
Proklet bio izdajica
Svoje domovine!

Хеј Словени, јоште живи
Дух наших дедова
Док за народ срце бије
Њихових синова

Живи, живи дух словенски
Живеће веков’ма
Залуд прети понор пакла,
Залуд ватра грома

Нек’ се сада и над нама
Буром све разнесе
Стена пуца, дуб се лама,
Земља нек’ се тресе

Ми стојимо постојано
Кано клисурине,
Проклет био издајица
Своје домовине!

Hey, Slavs, it still lives
the word (spirit) of our grandfathers
As long as the heart of their sons
beats for our nation.

It lives, it lives the Slavic spirit,
It will live forever!
Vainly threatens the abyss of Hell
and the fire of the thunder.

Let everything above us now
be shattered by a storm wind.
The cliff cracks, the oak breaks,
Let the earth quake.

We stand firmly
like the mountains,
Damned be the traitor
of his homeland!