On my blog you possibly have noticed that I write a lot of stories about WWI (World War I) .

You can see all the posts by clicking here (link) .

If you have an interesting story to share, please let me know.

Publications regarding the research project “Serbian WWI soldiers who died in the Netherlands”

  • December 2019: Српски војници умрли у Холандији 1917–1919./ Serbian soldiers who died in the Netherlands 1917–1919
    This book was published with the help of the Museum of Rudnik and Takovo Region in Gornji Milanovac (Serbia). This book is in Serbian and in English language and can be downloaded for free via this download link.
  • May 2018 :  Brošura: Srpski vojnici umrli u Holandiji 1917-1919
    This is the Serbian translation of the  brochure which was published in December 2016. The Serbian publication was possible with the help of the Association of War Veterans Descendants from the Braničevo region (Udruženje potomaka ratnika 1912-1920 Požarevac). This brochure can be also downloaded for free:  “Sprski vojnici umrli u Holandiji 1917-1919
  • December 2016: Brochure Serbian soldiers of World War I who died in the Netherlands
    The Dutch embassy in Belgrade (Serbia) published a brochure which I wrote together with Tajana Vendrig (my wife) and John Stienen. The brochure can be downloaded here for free: “Serbian Soldiers of WWI who died in the Netherlands”.