Hello from Macedonia, Kičevo to be more precisely. Yesterday I arrived in Skopje after a 8 hours bus trip from Kraljevo (Serbia). I had some problems at the border: the Serbians had some problems with the registration card (you have to register when you stay in Serbia) and the Macedonians with health insurance.Thank god I had an European health insurance card, so nema problema (hint for those travelling to Macedonia). The Serbian border police were a bit more difficult to handle , but I managed of course. When I arrived in Skopje (Macedonia), I met by coincidence Bob, and we drunk some Skopsko.
Today I woke up at 07h00 and at 08h00 I was at the office of the Macedonian railways (now I will use the term MŽ): I needed some photo permission, but a friendly lady told me already on the phone that I could join a photo tour, at least she would try to arrange… And how nice it was, it was not nice, no it was super nice!!!
I could join the trip and we had some railway vehicle with which we went to Veleš which is to the south from Skopje. See pictures here:
This was very special for me, go with this vehicle and drive on a railway track.The railway track is a very important one, you will not believe, but it is the one from Thessaloniki to Belgrade (European corridor ten). After we arrived in Veleš we drunk some coffee and rakija (home made) at an MŽ office in Veles, and then we went to eat and drink. It was a wonderful day.
But the day was not finished, because I went to visit new friends in Kičevo and here I am now. It is perfect here, finally good internet and time to write a blog. It is my fourth time in Macedonia, and of course I have some memories, but today I experienced why I still love this country: Macedonia is not complicated. Politicians believe it is complicated , but they never meet normal people.