I did it! I traveled from Triglav all the way to the Vardar and thereby fulfilled a long time wish, a dream. The reality in this case was even more beautiful then the dream and I could not believe that this could happen. First of all a big thanks to all who helped me to realize this dream.

Picture below: On top of Mali Triglav (Slovenia), 2725 meters a.s.l, 2nd September 2011.

Picture below: Near the Vardar river, 19th September 2011, Skopje, Macedonia.

I experienced so many beautiful things during my trip that it needs a lot of time to order them in “moje srce”. I leave it to this little blog post by stating that I made it and that I am very happy about it. I will write of course much more about it this marvelous trip later….

Map below: the trip I made “Od Triglava do pa Vardara”.

I even visited Albania and Greece.

Picture below: “Yugoslavia”still indicated on this Greek sign near the border with Macedonia.

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