Today is the book launch of a friend of us, Yvo Kühling, a Dutchmen who lives like me in Serbia. The book is called ” Serbia bites” and some pictures of me are in it and even a text about me. It is not about that, it is about the place where the book launch is: it is in Kafana ” Suri” at Belgrade’s main railway station.
As you know maybe I am a fan of railways, but it is not even about that: no I remember this place with nostalgia, because this is the place where I made my first steps in Belgrade on the 28th August 2008.
In the early evening I arrived ( I think even around 19h00) with the train on platform 1 from Zagreb. Naive as I was with my backpack I walked out of the station into the white city. What I then did not know is that 7 years later I would live in this city with my future wife. Belgrade is a great city and Serbia a great country with friendly people. Back then my ” Balkan” odyssey started not knowing where it would end….
This evening I will enjoy the book presentation of Yvo (good luck Yvo!) with my future wife, but I also think about that beautiful moment 7 years ago when I made my first steps into Belgrade here…