Today I got a nomination for being the Best Promoter of Macedonia 2010 due my continued enthusiasm on my Balkan website and this blog. I…
Earthquake hit Kraljevo, Serbia
This morning the alarm clock went off and I did not want to wake up as usual, but I waked up while my mobile phone…
Manastir Žiča/ Жича (Monastery Žiča)
After the sins of yesterday evening it was today time to clean the soul and ask forgiveness from God, so we went to one of…
On the roof of Srbija
Yesterday, 11th September I climbed Midžor/ Миџор with 2168 meters a.s.l. the highest peak of Serbia (if you do not include Kosovo). I went with…
Macedonia, day 6: Kruševo
The 7th of September I went to visit Kruševo, in the center of Macedonia. It is the highest town in Macedonia, situated at an altitude…
Macedonia: day 4: Korab
The 5th of September I climbed mount Korab, with 2754 meters (some say 2764 meters) the highest mountain of Macedonia and Albania. This year I…
In Macedonia: day 1&2
Since Thursday I am in Macedonia and it is nice to be back. Thursday morning I started to climb the Vodno mountain, which is 1066…
Balkan trip, edition 2010
Yes 1st of September it is time for me again to go “my beloved Balkans”: I am looking forward to see again my dear friends…
Kieler Woche 2010
From 23th until the 27th June I was invited to celebrate “Kieler woche”(=Kieler week) which is held annually in, yes Kiel. The city is at…
5200km in 12 days….
Yes, within a week I am going to make a trip again, but a very busy one: 3 countries (Germany, Lithuania and France) and +/-5200…